Dear Readers,
It's been ages since we opened up the blog mailbag, so let's dig in and answer some of your questions!
The first one is from Rosie, and she writes:
Cali, do you ever leave your fenced yard?
Cali: Trust me, Rosie, I can go for a run whenever I feel like it, and I often do!
Lilly Faye: It's true, Rosie. I'm a witness!
Our next letter reads:
Dear Frank, can you tell me how to make a rich, spicy spaghetti sauce? Thanks, Stella
Mr. Frank: Thank you for your culinary question, Stella.
Take a couple of large poblano chiles and fire roast them over an open flame. When their skin is blackened, put them in a plastic bag and seal it tight.
While the chiles are steaming in the bag, score the skin on the bottom of six homegrown tomatoes, and drop them gently into simmering water.
Remove the tomatoes from the water after one minute. Peel off their skin, cut them into quarters, and remove their seeds. Place the tomatoes in a blender.
Remove the chiles from their bag and peel off their skin. Quarter them and add them to the blender with the tomatoes.
Lilly Faye: Excuse me Frank, but who has the time for all that? I'm a busy working Poodle. I need quick results, and I'm sure Stella does as well.
Stella, here's how I do it. Pour one jar of store-bought spaghetti sauce into a large saucepan. Add one jar of medium or hot Mexican salsa. Stir, heat, eat.
Lilly Faye: The next question is for Alfie.
Joe Cocker writes:
Alfie, you seem like quite a ladies man. Can you give me a few tips on picking up girls?
Alfie Cat: The trick is to wait for them to pick you up, Joe. It works for me every time. The ladies can't resist Alfie Cat.
Lilly Faye: Uh...thanks, Alfie.
We have one more question, and it's addressed to me.
It reads:
Dear Boss, when are you going to start paying your blog intern Dizzie a salary? Signed, D
Lilly Faye: I know you wrote this, Dizzie. I recognize your paw print.
Well, that's all we have time for today, folks. If you have questions for me or anyone else here at the blog, you can post them in the comments section below, or reach me by email using the "Contact Form" on this page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Lilly Faye
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